Frank Amedia, of Touch Heaven Ministries in Ohio, above, is a self-proclaimed faith-healing prophet who believes he can perform ‘miracles’, including controlling the weather.
According to this report, Trump has taken on Amedia as his new “liaison for Christian policy”.
Amedia is a controversial televangelist associated with the New Apostolic Reformation. His biography on his church’s website claims he has “gifts of knowledge, healing, and discernment”, and is capable of performing “healings” and “miracles.”
The biography reads:
Frank Amedia is called as an Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Evangelist, Teacher, and Minister in sound biblical doctrine with gifts of knowledge, healing, and discernment … For over two decades, his clarity of vision, prophetic insight, and revelations of the mysteries of the Kingdom of God in the scriptures have been an enormous blessing to a worldwide audience.
Enabled by this extensive experience, Pastor Frank has a unique perspective on the parallel journey of the Church and Israel as he is called as one to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord. Thousands of wondrous records of miraculous testimonies of healings, deliverances, re-creative miracles, and physical gifts follow him wherever he goes, even as he gives all of the Glory to God his Father, Jesus his Messiah, and the Holy Spirit.
In addition to his self-proclaimed faith-healing abilities, Amedia also claims to be able to control natural events like the weather. On a television programme aired in 2012, Amedia claimed to have single-handedly stopped waves from the 2011 tsunami in Japan from hitting a Hawaiian island where his daughter was at the time. He boasted that the waves instead moved on to devastate another island.
It is reported here that Ameida recently facilitated a meeting with a Mario Bramnick, a representative of the National Hispanic Leadership Conference, an evangelical group which has been highly critical of Trump’s anti-Latino, anti-immigrant rhetoric.
While Trump may not be popular with Latinos, victory prayers are being said for him in India.
Earlier this month around a dozen members of a right-wing Indian Hindu group lit a ritual fire and chanted mantras asking the Hindu gods to help Trump win the US presidential election.
They were impressed with Trump’s calls for temporarily banning Muslims from America and cracking down on extremist groups.
Said Vishnu Gupta, founder of the Hindu Sena nationalist group:
The whole world is screaming against Islamic terrorism, and even India is not safe from it. Only Donald Trump can save humanity.